Friday, April 8, 2011

Back on the Blog!


I'm back! I realize it's been a long time, but after starting my current yoga program, called Spark!, I just can't help but share my experience. I hope you enjoy!

Angela Wagner, owner of Yogasport, created "Spark! The Ultimate Empowerment Program." She is a Certified Yoga Life Coach, and a few YS members asked for a program related to her certification. Henceforth Spark! was born. And lucky for me!

Here's what I liked about the Spark flier:
" the Spark! that makes the difference between going through the motions and being in action and creation in your life."
"By focusing on the six principles of Spark! (community, yoga, meditation, detox, discipline, and love), you will emerge with a clear and energized life vision."

Why did I sign up?
I was in a FUNK. An exercise funk. A nutrition funk. A work too much and play to little funk. I was procrastinating more than ever before, which says a lot. I was ready for a pick me up. And I had already tried wine and margaritas. All joking aside, I needed some time for me. My to do lists (yes, I have several - go technology) were piling up and I felt busy. All. The. Time.

So I signed up early. It started on March 29, and I signed up before the 15th! At least I started the program by not procrastinating on that task!

I committed myself to Spark which means:
Journaling daily
Yoga practice 5 times per week in the studio (read: no cheating with short at-home "practices")
Food journaling (online! It's been so fun!)
A 3-hour detox yoga class
A weekly discussion meeting with the other Spark! members
A weekly meditation session with the Spark! members
Daily meditation on my own

So far, this is the MOST committed I've stayed with a program. I have done 7 yoga sessions in 11 days. And the great thing is that I want to do it every day! I can already see definition in my arms. Cool. I feel more energized through the day. Yes! I am consciously trying to be more focused so that I can work smart, not hard. Hooray!

Ok, gotta go, but I'll fill you in soon!

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